Posts Tagged ‘running’
How to Lose Weight After Having a Baby

Exercise after having a baby is confusing. Here is the low-down on weight loss after birth.
Be Safe Out there, Get a Road ID-Review

It’s dangerous out there. Your safety could depend on EMT’s knowing who you are. That’s where the Road ID comes in.
10 Of the Hottest Things To Wear At The Gym

Looking good while you exercise helps you to feel good about yourself. This is our top ten list of the hottest things to wear at the gym while working out.
Don’t Let Fear Get In Your Way

Ruth said to not let fear of striking out get in your way. Apply that to your life
Are Toning Shoes For Real?

Toning shoes-yay, or nay? We take a look to see if these are legit.
Do you know how many steps are right for you?

We all want to be active. That requires moving throughout the day. How many steps do you take?
The Secret of Building Killer Legs

Climbing stairs is not only inexpensive, but also a highly effective leg and cardiovascular workout.
3 Things to keep you safe in the heat of summer

Stay safe in the summer heat With increasing temperatures comes the chance of a heat related injury. Pulled muscles aren’t on the menu. Heat exhaustion, or heat stroke certainly are. The following is a list of things that you should consider when exercising in the sun
Who else wants a feeling of accomplishment?

You might be grown up, but you need to get out and play. It’s great motivation.